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深美一周课堂——走进助教的日常|SAIS Classes-Teaching Assistant Duties 全球微头条

来源:国际教育网 发布日期:2023-04-12 16:43:36 分享到:

╱ 深美一周课堂——走进助教的日常 ╱

SAIS Classes-Teaching Assistant Duties

我是5岁左右学生ELE2班的助教Bella, 我的主要工作是协助学生处理社交和情感方面的问题,监督课间休息的安全和行为,阅读和写作,与家长沟通,组织课外活动,纪律管理,翻译,模范礼仪和照顾学生。








I am Bella, a teaching assistant in ELE2 with young students around the age of 5. My primary job is to assist with the students" social and emotional aspects, recess safety and behavior, reading and writing, parents communication, field trips, discipline, translation, model courtesy, and care.

One of the most important responsibilities of me in ELE2 with young students is to assist with their social and emotional aspects. Children around the age of 5 are at a stage where they are learning to interact with others, and social skills are essential to their overall development. I ensure that students are getting along with one another, resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner, and learning how to express their emotions effectively.

Another important role of me is to monitor the students" behavior during recess. It"s crucial to ensure the students" safety and maintain discipline to prevent any accidents. I make sure that the students are following the playground rules and avoiding any unsafe behaviors. Additionally, I use this opportunity to foster positive social interactions among the students.

I am also responsible for helping the students develop their reading and writing skills. I assist the teacher in creating lesson plans that are age-appropriate, engaging, and cater to the students" individual needs. Moreover, I provide one-on-one support for students who require additional assistance.

Another significant responsibility of me is to communicate effectively with the parents. I update the parents on the students" progress, inform them of any concerns, and help teacher to provide suggestions for activities that they can do at home to support their child"s learning.

Field trips are an excellent way to enhance the students" learning experience, and I play a crucial role in organizing and supervising these trips. I ensure that all safety measures are in place and that the students are engaged and learning during the trip.

In addition, I assist with discipline in the classroom, help translate for non-English speaking students and parents, model courtesy and respect towards others, and provide care and support to students who require it.

In conclusion, my work is challenging but rewarding, I am always glad to see my students succeed in their lives.


x 广告



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